I had an appointment at Dr. Vineyard's today for a sinus infection. I took Lillian with me and we sat in room 5 and waited. It was nap time and she was having fun not sleeping. After I got my diagnosis confirmed, and was waiting for my scripts, I sang to her and she finally drifted to sleep.
All of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks and the tears began to flow as I saw Lillian's life come full circle right before my eyes. It was in this very chair, roughly a year and five months ago, I sat and saw my precious baby for the first time: her beautiful head formed in her birthmom's womb, her arms and legs moving about. Man, how much transpired from that moment of first seeing her on the ultrasound, until the moment I held her for the first time, to this moment holding her in the very room where it all began.
Even if it had not turned out the way it did. God is Good. God is Faithful. And His Creations are Beautiful!