But now it has somewhat changed. I feel guilty for it. I feel guilty for even wanting another child. Lillian is our answered prayer and she is enough and will be enough but the longing for her to have a sibling is still there, for us to have another child to call our own. I am again aware of my cycle day and the fact that I am not ovulating. Truthfully Lillian is so amazing that if we were a normal couple and could conceive we probably would have started trying for another when she was six months old.
This time it is different. The pain is more of a dull pain and the desire isn't all consuming but it is there. So please would you pray for us? Pray God would either do a miracle and open my womb OR another miracle and bring us another baby through adoption. I've seen and experienced first hand what God can do and how he can answer prayers in big ways, so I'm stepping out in faith and praying big that God will drop another baby in our lap. However that might happen and whatever that might look like, all glory and praise is and will be to Him, even if he says no.