I heard something very disturbing on the radio this week. They were discussing tax credits, specifically the charitable gift tax credit. There was a poll taken in which 40% of people who give at least $20 a year to churches, charities, and ministries said they would stop doing so if the charitable giving tax credit was taken away. This disturbed me on two levels. One, what would happen to all the good these groups do if 40% of their donors stopped giving, but most importantly it raises the question of why do people give.
As a Christian I give my tithe because God commands it. It's the first check I write before any other when we get a paycheck. I actually have it on auto pay at my bank. I was taught tithing is what God asks for from a young age. I remember HAVING to give that $0.10 tithe for my dollar allowance as a small child. After I accepted Christ and continued to grow in my relationship that HAVING became WANTING. I don't give it because I get a tax write off. I give it because I'm called. Don't get me wrong, there are moments that I think to myself, "man I really could have used that money for...." But at the end of the day the money for .... is there if it's something that I really need when I do give. And often times even when it's not something I really need it is there. It just all seems to work out. God takes care of it.
Then there are offerings, everything above and beyond the tithe. The truth is I don't do this enough, but I try. I try to recognize specific opportunities and give when I feel the spirit telling me to. We sponsor a child in Tanzania. I give to local organizations. I give to national organizations. I try and help out specific people as I can and as opportunity presents itself. I volunteer my time. I do it because I feel led, not because there is a tax benefit.
I encourage you to ask yourself why you give.
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