Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tanzania Here We Come!

Stephen and I are excited about an amazing opportunity God has presented for us to travel to Bukoba, Tanzania, June 1, 2014- June 9, 2014, with e3 Partners.  After spending the entire summer before Stephen and I got married in Tanzania, it has always been the desire of my heart to share my experiences on the Tanzania Mission Field with my husband.  While several trips have come and gone over the past six and a half years, it has not been until now that God’s desire has been for us to minister on a short term mission trip as a couple.

The team we will be working with will consist mostly of medical professionals along with some “regular” people like me.  Stephen will have the primary task of running a mobile pharmacy as the sole pharmacist on this trip.  He will be in charge of gathering meds here stateside, orchestrating their arrival in Bukoba and dispensing them daily as he works alongside doctors from several different fields of specialty.  The mobile clinic will relocate daily in an effort to reach as many people as possible with not only medical care but most importantly spiritual care.

I will be working with the evangelism team (which will include my mom Debbie Pruitt!)  We will be partnering with local churches who have a vision to plant new churches where there are none.  Our North American team will model for the nationals how to evangelize by sharing our personal testimonies and using evangelism tools to share the gospel.  Each North American will also have a translator for the whole week.  Each evening we will model how to have a discipleship group to enable the new believers to grow in their faith and learn to study the Bible.  While the adults are having their Bible study, a children's meeting will also be taking place to present the gospel to the children with Bible stories, games and activities.  By the middle of the week, the nationals we have been training will be ready to do the ministry on their own.  We will come alongside each of them as their encouragers and prayer support as they begin to share the Gospel.

We are extremely excited about this opportunity and feel that God has equipped us as a couple specifically for this trip through Stephen’s profession as a pharmacist and my love of missions and specifically the people of Tanzania.  

My focus verse for the summer of 2006, in Tanzania was Isaiah 52:7, which reads,

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God Reigns!’”

And in Romans 10:14-15, it says,

“How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?  As it is written, ‘Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”

The past four years of our lives have been filled with joy along much heartache as we have tried unsuccessfully to grow our family, but these things have remained: Our God’s love and compassion which we experience through our personal relationship with Christ.  It is only through this relationship that we have been able to experience peace through some of the darkest times of our lives.  It is this peace, compassion and love we desire to share with the people of Bukoba, Tanzania!

The trip will cost around $7600 for the both of us plus whatever extra we can raise to go towards the purchase of medicines.  We have currently raised $5,090.00 through the generous gifts of friends and family over the past couple of months.

If you are interested in giving towards our trip you can visit our fundraising page at 

you can send a check written out to e3partners at

 e3Partners Ministry 
2001 W. Plano Parkway, Suite 2600
Plano, TX 75075.  

If you sent a check in the mail make sure to put WYATT TZ14B on the memo line to insure the money is applied towards our personal trip account.  

We will also be doing a car wash in the spring along with a BBQ fundraiser with the help of our very own smoke master John Wyatt!

We are two imperfect people serving a perfect God and are looking forward to being used by Him this summer!

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