Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rewarding Irresponsibility

Please don't judge me by this post. It is in response to my raw emotion of having found out our last fertility treatment was a bust.

I feel like society rewards irresponsibility.  You are unwed, you get pregnant, the government pays for your prenatal care, then for your food and for your living expenses because you are a single parent without a job. (I recognize this is not the case for all!) 

I, on the other hand am married, pay my bills, have spent $8,000+ trying to conceive a child and I am still empty handed.  Now I have to wait several more months before I can try treatments again because I am responsible; I pay my bills.  When the money runs out the money runs out.  I have to replenish the accounts and save before we can move forward. 

Sometimes I wish I had never heard the word Dave Ramsey.  I know I have it really good and I am blessed financially; please don't hear that I don't recognize that (I know my financial troubles are FIRST WORLD financial troubles).  However, right now at this very moment I am pissed that I have to PAY money to try to get pregnant while it seems to me at this moment like more than half the world ends up pregnant due to irresponsibility.

I apologize if I've offended you by this post.  Please offer me grace for my skewed view.

That being said, maybe I should invest in some weed tonight and see if irresponsibility will share its reward on me ;)

1 comment:

  1. Working in the OB field has made me a big bitter about this as well, unfortunetly. It seems the teenagers who get pregnant on accident and eat nothing but doritos and drink and do drugs have healthy babies, while I see so many responsible people doing everything they can to have healthy kids to no avail. *sigh* It is true that life is never fair.
