Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Still waiting...

Our last IUI cycle was unsuccessful, so we are back to the waiting game.  We have to replenish the bank accounts in order to continue with treatments.  After talking it over with Dr. Vineyard, he suggested that six cycles of IUI would be a realistic number (Even though Vandermolen would now suggest we move to IVF).  That would be enough to exhaust all possibility of it working, but not so many that we would be throwing our money away.  I am glad to have an outside prospective and for a number decision to have been made.  I truly see how I could just keep saying, "just one more."  I am also grateful that Stephen took the lead and made the decision that we will pay cash for the treatments and so, must put them on hold for the next several months.  Due to a choir mission trip to New York, the next treatment will most likely be in August.  That will give us enough time to save up the money and the rest depends on where/when my cycle falls.

I ask that you would remember us in your prayers.  First that God would work a miracle and there would be no need for another treatment but also that I will actually LIVE my life in the interim.  I plan to train for another Sprint-Tri this summer and I am super excited about my trip to New York.  I have so many things to be grateful for in my life, and so many awesome friends that surround me.  Pray I remember what I have, as I wait for what I want.  It's such an easy thing to say, but in my reality I am finding it hard to do.

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