Monday, April 20, 2015

Beauty in the Every Day

Lillian is just shy of 15 months and I could just pinch myself she is so awesome.  I find myself on a daily basis just stepping back and seeing the awesomeness that she is and thinking, "Is this really my life?  How did we get here?  Where did she come from?"  The answers are yes, one day at a time, and God.

She is truly joy in the flesh.  Don't get me wrong she has her moments and right now "me" is her favorite word (said in a whining tone and used more like mine and give me) but for most of the minutes of the day she is a joyful, happy little girl!  She does something new every day from twirling, to dancing with happy feet, saying new words (she is a talker!) and singing.  She's been able to sing EIEIO for a while, but just a day ago I caught her singing in perfect pitch and almost perfect timing the word back in Bring Back My Bonnie To Me.  It.  Melted.  My.  Heart.

She gets so excited when her daddy comes home and I can't tell you how blessed I am to watch my husband flourish in his role as parent to a little girl.  His love for his girls is evident daily and he is so tender to us both. He helps me to flourish as a momma and is your stereotypical pushover with his baby girl.

I know these days are going to pass quickly, just as the past year did.  God help me to see the beauty in the every day.  Help me to not continually look to the next milestone but enjoy the now.  For I know one day it won't be so rosy and the bumps and trials will come.  You will be faithful as ever, but for now I am praising you for this moment, this stage, this grace.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Resurrection Day!

The dress wasn't exactly what I wanted her to wear and for the first time in 30 years I didn't get a new dress for myself, but none of that matters. She looked beautiful in her cousin Chloe's dress made by their Gamma and I got to wear the dress I wore for her adoption. I praise God  for the fact that I can even say I have a dress worn at the adoption of a child, MY child.  

What matters most today is Christ's Resurrection, not our clothes or the items places in a basket or the eggs hunted. 

In the past 13 months, Lillian has given us a tangible glimpse into what it means to be adopted by Christ. She is not my flesh and blood, but she is MINE!  I would move heaven and earth for her if I could. I would sacrifice my life for hers. The love I have for her is indescribable and yet it pales in comparison to the love the Father has for us. I am grateful to have this "special" first hand prospective.  And truly it is because He Lives that I can face tomorrow!

"God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Christ Jesus. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure."                 
 Ephesians 1:5 (NLT)