Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Six Months From Zero

The pathology report from my D&C suggested my pregancy was a partial molar pregnancy.  It's kinda confusing to explain, but basically it has to do with abnormal growth of the placenta.  This website gives a better explination.  I lost the baby at almost 11 weeks which seems a little late for a partial molar, but who knows and that is all just based off my internet research which I know you can't always trust.  Dr. Vineyard felt like the pathologist was erring on the side of caution, but because the report said molar he has to follow protocol which means I have to have my Beta tested every two weeks until it goes to zero.  In rare cases the placenta cells could start to act like cancer cells and begin to reproduce.  In that case they would have to do surgery again.  Fingers crossed that rare case is not mine!

Dr. Vineyard had said we would be able to start trying again after my levels went to zero and I had one natural cycle.  I just needed to call the Fertility Clinic and let them know what had happened so I could get back in the IUI rotation.  Well...after receiving the pathology report the Fertility Clinic called yesterday and we were told we have to continue to follow my Betas to zero and then six months from then we can start trying again.  This was NOT what I was expecting.  I was half heartily hoping he wouldn't agree with the path report and would say we could start again with our next cycle.  Obviously there is not an M.D. behind my name and for good reason, so I will have to trust my doctors.  I realize the Fertility Clinic sees hundreds of patients a year and I chose my doctor because of his record and knowledge, but I keep finding myself questioning, wishing for another anwer or another way.  Alas, we will just have to wait.

At the rate my Beta's have been falling...first check was 1200 and second check two weeks later was 900, who know's when I will hit zero.  I guess in some ways this does give some freedom.  We pretty much know for sure we will not be having a baby in 2012, and most likely not even in 2013.  I'm a planner and maybe that's one thing that God is trying to teach me, rather than planning to start trusting.  I can't help but keep doing the math...say I get to zero in another month (which would be a miracle)...June + 6 months = December + 9 months (on the off chance the first IUI works) = September 2013, but in reality going off of last year we did an IUI in December, had to take January off because of a cycst, and then did two IUI's in February and got our miracle.  The "realist" in me says the odds of a baby in 2013, are slim to none, but then there's always that little voice that wonders what if...what if my Beta goes to zero next week.  What if we get pregnant on the first IUI...so in the mean time of waiting I will be praying that 2013, despite all odds WILL be the year and I will also be looking for ways God can use Stephen and me as a childless couple that he wouldn't othersiwe be able to if we had one!

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